Main plot

While there are countless subplots in the Ghriverse, this is the most important one.

Time is measured in chromosomes (Ch).

Limbo (Ch -? to Ch -300000)


Time floats through space, merging at times, diverging at others. Improbable structures sit unchanged for millenia, or erode and crumble in a single second.

Neolithic Age (Ch -299999 to Ch 0)

neolithic qge

Solid organisms roam the omniverse without purpose nor joy. Cities lie empty, abandoned long ago. Others bustle with people, swarming in large carpets of flesh. A thousand Gods do battle in the wasteland of time, each beliveing themselves to be the true master of it all. But it was not untill an archaic force began to grow in power. The idiot Gods were lain waste to one by one. Each turning into babbling slush and trapped in esoteric locations throughout the dimensions. The force, of which no name can ever be attributed to, left a small drop of it's blood behind. The drop was named Ghri Ziffe, and in it's moment of inception, it destroyed and rebuilt the universe a hundered times over. However, by either some cruel trick of fate or the dethroned deities of the the previous age, the thing named Ghri Ziffe fragmented into an infinite number of pieces. One of which became lodged within the brain of an unremarkable infant in the backwaters of the omniverse. And thus the Golden Age began.

Golden Age (Ch 1 to Ch 5527)

Petrovsky Wars (Ch 5528 to Ch 1330)

Silver Age (Ch 1331 to Ch ?)

Ragnarok (Ch ? to Ch ?)

Important Characters

Classification of Persons

Classification is done as follows:

Name: The character's name.

Also known as: Nicknames, aliases, disguises and the like are put here.

Gender: The charecter's gender. If they do not follow the human concept of gender, N/A is used.

Species: The charecter's species.

Saga: The eras (see plot) that the charecter inhabits are listed here.

Affiliation: The organization or group the charecter belongs to.

Omnniversal vector: The charecter's vector consists of their disposition and their mutablity. Disposition can be either Upper, Middle, Lower or a combination such as Upper Middle or Middle Lower. Upper charecters selfless, kind-hearted and creative. Middle charecters are medicore in every way, slaves to office jobs and digital alchoholism. While they are moderately intelligent, their creativity has long been abandoned and conversing with them is rather dull. Lower charecters actively detest creativity and instead foster the enviroments that have zombified the Middle. Burn! Burn! Burn! Mutability ranges from static to dynamic. Static charecters change little over the course of even infinite time, while dynamic charecters develop new personality traits. Omniveral vectors are also used as a way of classifying locations in the omniverse. Charecters tend to inhabit realms with similar omniverasal vectors to their own.

The charecter is further described here.

Behind the scenes information is put here. - Oblique Ghri (shortened to O.G)

Ghri Ziffe

raindrop man

Name: Ghri Ziffe

Also known as: The All-Seeing Eye, Master Of The Universe, The Lord Of Knowledge

Gender: N/A

Species: N/A

Saga: Golden Age, Petrovsky Wars, Silver Age

Affiliation: Bird Lane House

Omnniversal vector: Upper Static

Ghri Ziffe is the greatest known being to ever travel the planes of existence, the pinnacle of evolution and supra-nature. They have far surpassed they bounds of their species, of which they are the single member - and indeed their own conscience - which has fragmented into an infinite number of independant shards.

One of these shards, in a freque accident of chance and probability in an infinite expanse of time and space became lodged in the brain of an infant, by all means unremarkable and average. And so the Golden Age began.


Oblique Ghri

Oblique Ghri is the trapped form of Ghri Ziffe, imprisoned behind a restrictive wall of flesh, organs and blood. Oblique Ghri is currently Earth years old. It was also Oblique Ghri who programmed this website and collected it's contents.

I used Javascript to automatically update my age because I am usually otherwise occupied on the 26th of July. - O.G
Nominitive Ghri

Nominitive Ghri is the TRUE AND HONEST form of the legendary Ghri Ziffe.

Raindrop Man

raindrop man

Name: Raindrop Man

Gender: Male

Species: Q

Saga: Golden Age, Petrovsky Wars, Silver Age

Affiliation: Bird Lane House

Omniversal vector: Upper Dynamic

Raindrop Man hails from the planet Quoron. His intrests include jumping out of windows, making music and taking baths. He once got dared by his freind Scissors to jump out of the second story window of his house covered in sticky tape. He had a bath afterwards to get rid of the sticky residue.

Raindrop Man is currently working on an album.

Raindrop Man is based upon a stupid plastic toy put out by the local council in an effort to get kids to use less water. - O.G

Rubber Duck Guy

Pieter "Scissors" Petrovsky

Stuntman Joe

Bruce Tasmania and Chaz the Kangaroo

Harry and Kayne

Glorence and Finger

Ghu, Hji and Lpr


Classification of Locations

Classification is done as follows:

Name: The location's name.

Also known as: Nicknames, aliases, disguises and the like are put here.

Size: The size of the location.

Nesting: If applicable, the greater location of the site and/or locations contained in the site are put here and classified as being either outer or inner. Outer nesting moves from the space outwards into the larger constructs that contain it. Whereas the opposite is true for inner nesting. Locations of equal or similar size are seperated with a "/" while those that are larger or smaller (smaller locations are listen first when moving out and larger ones are listed first when moving inwards) are seperated with a "+"

Omniversal vector: Omniversal vectors in regards to characters are explained above. Charecters tend to inhabit locations that have similar omniversal vectors to themselves.

Negitive/positive reflections: Copies of the location across the omniversal vectors.

Established: The date, in Chromosomes (Ch), that the site was built or formed.

The location is further described here.

Behind the scenes information is put here - Oblique Ghri (O.G).

Bird Lane House

Name: Bird Lane House

Size: House

Nesting: Outer- Bird Street + New Ghriland + Hecton + Hecton Corkscrew. Inner- Ghri Ziffe's Palace of Eternity/Ghu, Hji and Lpr's pond/Glorence and Finger's House/Raindrop Man's Cave.

Omniversal vector: Upper Dynamic

Negitive/positive reflections: Zhri Giffe's Stronghold, Grand Temple of the High Order of Flp

Established: 1200 Ch


Name: Hecton

Size: Planet

Nesting: Outer- Hecton Corkscrew. Inner- New Ghriland/Ghrimerica/Ghrirope/Ghrasia/Ghrafrica/Ghristralia + Bird Street + Ghri Ziffe's Palace of Eternity/Ghu, Hji and Lpr's pond/Glorence and Finger's House/Raindrop Man's Cave.

Omniversal vector: Upper Dynamic

Negitive/positive reflections: Zhri Giffe's Stronghold, Grand Temple of the High Order of Flp

Established: Early Neolithic Age

The Lost City of Jiba-kiba

Name: Lost City of Jiba-kiba

Size: City

Nesting: Outer- Klllldddiiii + Hecton Corkscrew. Inner- Temple of Bhaaj.

Omniversal vector: Middle static

Established: Late Neolithic Age


What is the Ghri Ziffe Project?

The Ghri Ziffe Project is the culmination of everything I have ever made: films, drawings, music and writing. It is a way of storing information and ideas. Everything is catalogued and recorded so that this immense body of work can be viewed as a collective, cohesive whole.

This website has been up since late 2024, before entering it's current form as a wiki in Febuary 2025. It is hosted on the retro-web rivivalist site Neocites, which I think personally aligns with my own opinions on the state of the internet, and is much more intresting than using something like Wix.

I try not to differentiate the so-called "real universe" that we live in with the ones that Ghri Ziffe Project details, for they are no less "real" or "imagined" than each other. But when such differentation does occur, I do attempt to recognise it as such.

Update Log:

Tuesday 18th Feb: Update Log created. Joy is proclaimed across the omniverse.
