Main plot


Neolithic Age

Golden Age

Petrovsky Wars

Silver Age


Important Characters

Classification of Persons

Classification is done as follows:

Name: The charecter's name.

Also known as: Nicknames, aliases, disguises and the like are put here.

Gender: The charecter's gender. If they are not confined by the concept of human gender, N/A is used.

Species: The charecter's species.

Saga: The eras (see plot) that the charecter inhabits are listed here.

Affiliation: The organization or group the charecter belongs to.

Omnniversal vector: The charecter's vector consists of their disposition and their mutablity. Disposition can be either Upper, Middle, Lower or a combination such as Upper Middle or Middle Lower. Upper charecters selfless, kind-hearted and creative. Middle charecters are medicore in every way, slaves to office jobs and alchoholism. While they are moderately intelligent, their creativity has long been abandoned and conversing with them is rather dull. Lower charecters actively detest creativity and instead foster the enviroments that have zombified the Middle. Burn! Burn! Burn! Mutability ranges from static to dynamic. Static charecters change little over the course of even infinite time, while dynamic charecters develop new personality traits. Omniveral vectors are also used as a way of classifying locations in the omniverse. Charecters tend to inhabit realms with similar omniverasal vectors to their own.

Ghri Ziffe

Name: Ghri Ziffe

Also known as: The All-Seeing Eye, Master Of The Universe, The Lord Of Knowledge

Gender: N/A

Species: N/A

Saga: Limbo, Neolithic Age, Golden Age, Petrovsky Wars, Silver Age

Affiliation: Omniversal vector

Omnniversal vector: Upper Static

Ghri Ziffe is the greatest known being to ever travel the planes of existence, the pinnacle of evolution and supra-nature. They have far surpassed they bounds of their species, of which they are the single member - and indeed their own conscience - which has fragmented into an infinite number of independant shards.

One of these shards, in a freque accident of chance and probability in an infinite expanse of time and space became lodged in the brain of an infant, by all means unremarkable and average. And so the Golden Age began.

Raindrop Man

Name: Raindrop Man

Also known as: Quoron

Gender: Male

Species: Q

Saga: Golden Age, Petrovsky Wars, Silver Age

Affiliation: Mortal

Omniversal vector: Upper Dynamic

Rubber Duck Guy

Pieter "Scissors" Petrovsky

Stuntman Joe

Bruce Tasmania and Chaz the Kangaroo

Harry and Kayne

Florence and Ginger

Ghu, Hji and Lpr

What is Ghri Ziffe?